
Production process and advantages of non-woven geotextiles

Production process and advantages of non-woven geotextiles

The non-woven fabric has no warp and weft threads, so it is very convenient to cut and sew, and it is light and easy to shape.Because it is a fabric that does not require spinning or weaving, it just orients or randomly arranges textile staple fibers or filaments to...

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven fabrics

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven fabrics

Advantages of non-woven fabrics: Non-woven fabrics are non-woven fabrics, also known as non-woven fabrics. A sheet, web or batt made of oriented or randomly arranged pure natural cotton and linen fibers bonded to each other by friction, cohesion or bonding or a...

Non Woven Manufacturing Machine Introduce

Non Woven Manufacturing Machine Introduce

Basic process flow of non woven manufacturing machine is as flow: Automatic non-woven manufacturing machine basic process flow:Feeding (non-woven coil)FoldUltrasonic bondingTailoringBag making (outlet)Waste recyclingcountStacking The process can has fully automated...

Спанбонд машина

Спанбонд машина

Спанбонд машина, the main material is polyester and polypropylene, with high strength and high temperature resistance definition Spunbond Machine: After extruding and stretching the polymer to form continuous filaments, the filaments are laid into a web, and the web...

Обзор развития текстильной промышленности

Обзор развития текстильной промышленности

Первоначальное значение текстиля взято из общего термина спиннинг и ткачества. Современный текстиль относится к многомасштабной технологии обработки структуры волокон или агрегатов волокна. Текстильная индустрия родилась больше, чем 5,000 много лет назад. China is one of the...

Renaming Announcement

Renaming Announcement

Dear Customers and partners, Due to business development and equit restructuring,since June 21, 2021,Quanzhou Guanlong Non-textile Technol Co., Ltd.has been renamed to GUANLONG SPUNTECH CO.LTD(GUANLONG SPUNTECH) Besides renaming,GUANLONG SPUNTECH only changed the...